Hot water boilers, Hydronic systems, radiant heat, solar heat, geothermal heat pump, are all systems that take a heat source and deliver them to an enclose space. Currently thermostat delivery systems alone are not able to determine how much heat is actually needed to meet the heat load of the space. Continuous heat load change analysis is far more accurate to deliver even comfort at minimum expense.
All thermostats indicate a need to add heat. They do not know how to do that precisely to all the space with the least amount of expended energy. Exquisite Heat AI answers that question for these systems. By being able to take thermostat information and analyzing the actual heat load need for the heat loss from the space. Calculating the actual heat loss replacement needed, the heating system is able to replace the heat loss precisely, and at minimum expense. The net result is even comfort throughout the space, less metal stress on the boiler, ( Delta 20F) making boiler life longer. With less overheating of the system, the economical savings on fuel can range from 10-20% in savings. The savings can pay for the Exqheat system in months to 2 years. The savings recur year after year.
Environmental impact from reduced chimney waste is a contribution to the battle to reduce global warming, by reducing carbon emissions.
The conservation of energy keeps the fuel in the ground.
For cooling, the potential is the same for cooling towers, AC compressors, roof top units and heat pumps, geothermal systems, by saving on unnecessary electricity expense and wasted BTU transfer at the source. Let's Zoom to discuss your building.