You have heard about, or may presently have a boiler control. It may or may not be satisfying your perceived needs. We ask that you not be so sure until you review the newest technology from Exquisite Heat.
No matter how simple or complicated controls are, what really counts is the performance they provide for comfort and minimum fuel use, ( carbon emission reduction) , and extended boiler life.
You can now let your service company know that, If they install Exquisite Heat Artificial Intelligence for your boiler, their job will be made much more simple, to help you solve all those uneven comfort problems, and help your boiler to operate with much less stress, and longer service life.
Of course there is a strong possibility that your service company is not yet familiar with the performance advantages of Exquisite Heat. After all we have only been in the field for 20 years, and busy service personnel can not keep up with all new technology. So if they say they have not heard of Exquisite Heat, that does not mean it doesn't work.
Maybe you need to contact your fuel provider. We are sure they will be fascinated with your findings, where you have discovered a way to make your home or building more comfortable at reduced fuel use. Fuel Dealers are becoming more aware of the need to reduce carbon emissions, and many are wanting solutions they can offer to their customers.
So you ask, " Why should I do all this?" When you consider what you will gain in new efficiency and comfort for you building or home, reduced chimney waste, and the money you will save over the future heating seasons, the time and effort will be well worth it.
Invest once. Reap the returns year after year.
Be ready for the final closer. The only way you can increase efficiency and comfort is to put in a new boiler. Be careful always of the word, "only". It will cost you $ 8-20,000 or more, with a ton of extras. In a few years the required conversion to electric heat pumps will render your new boiler to be used less frequently.
By the way Exquisite Heat technology will work well with your older equipment, and will run your new equipment as well. Our technology runs your equipment to meet the precise heat load of the building.
We invite your questions. We also want to hear your service companies questions. Send us an e-mail.
We hope this is the beginning of your journey with us in need to reduce chimney waste, fuel conservation, and the bringing even comfort to your family or tenants.
P.S. If your boiler is less than 30 years old and is not leaking, maybe you really could do just as well with an intelligent operating system from Exquisite Heat for your current boiler. The savings can pay for your future heat pump system or new boiler.